The Floor Beneath You

A Few Facts About Dairy Brick

Have you ever been in a food processing facility, commercial bakery, dairy, or brewery and noticed that you were walking on a floor composed of bright red brick? It's not just a food-industry fad. In fact, it's a special type of brick known by a few names: dairy brick, dairy tile, acid brick, or acid-resistant brick. It has special properties that make it ideal as a flooring choice for the food industry. Here are a few facts about dairy brick that will help you understand why it's an ideal choice for flooring material.

Chemical Resistant

Dairy brick is made of high-silica shale, and it's fired at extremely high temperatures, much higher than other types of tile and brick. Its composition and this firing process make it uniquely non-porous and chemical resistant, including acid resistant—hence the moniker, acid-resistant brick. Non-porous means that if the brick comes into contact with any liquids or materials, it won't absorb them. It's this chemical resistance that makes it so popular as a sanitary choice in the food industry.

Abrasion Resistant

The qualities that make dairy brick chemical resistant also make it very tough and abrasion resistant. The epoxy seal installed after installation is vital to this characteristic. In an industrial environment with heavy equipment, there are bound to be some drops, spills, and accidents. A business like this requires a floor that can handle an impact, and dairy brick can.

Long Lasting

Another major benefit of dairy brick is that, when installed correctly, it has a very long life, 20 years or more but usually much more if maintained.

Installation Is Vital

In order to properly do its job as a chemical-resistant brick, dairy brick needs to be installed correctly. That means ensuring that it has proper drainage. Pooling water will decrease the life of a dairy brick floor. It should always be installed by a professional, someone with years of experience installing dairy brick and someone familiar with its special requirements and drainage needs.

Needs Maintenance and Repair

Because dairy brick is often installed in businesses that require a high level of cleanliness in order to operate, the brick also needs regular maintenance, especially the grout. If this brick has a weak spot, it's the grout. Without regular repairs to areas that have worn out, the floor becomes susceptible to liquid penetration in the grout lines and therefore becomes less chemical resistant. When this happens, it can harbor bacteria. Keeping a high level of sanitation means keeping the dairy brick repaired if it becomes worn. All repairs should be done by a professional.

To learn more about dairy brick, contact a company like Archway Brick and Tile.